93103 37842
B-65, Bawana Industrial area sector 5 New Delhi
Shree Ram Rubber FlooringShree Ram Rubber FlooringShree Ram Rubber Flooring
93103 37842
B-65, Bawana Industrial area sector 5 New Delhi

 Ballistic Tiles

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Shree Ram Rubber Flooring provide ballistic rubber tiles in 20″ x 20″(2.77 sqft) in size and best for the indoor and outdoor shooting ranges.

Syndróm periodického potratu, v ktorom žena stráca ovocie až do 20. týždňa tehotenstva trikrát a viac, postihuje až 1% všetkých pacientov žijúcich v tabletky na potenciu pre muzov krajinách. Dôvody reshargeovaného odvolania sa môžu líšiť – anomálie maternice, endokrinné poruchy, dedičná trombofília a získaná u matiek, chromozomálnych defektov atď. Pre mnohé páry však zostávajú príčiny pravidelných potratov neidentifikované.

We manufactured the ballistic tiles from premium recycled tire


Top Features for Ballistic Rubber Tiles 2×2 ft Black

  1. 1.5 inch thick self sealing rubber tile
  2. Reduces vibration and sound levels
  3. Use on walls, ceilings and floors
  4. Glue down for adhesive
  5. Durable and resilient
  6. Made in the USA from 100% recycled rubber
  7. Assists in ricochet reduction

Use Types

Ballistic Flooring, Shooting Range Walls and Floors, Firearms Training Locations

For use in shooting ranges to help with ricochet and noise level reduction, ballistic tiles are made from 100% recycled tire rubber. Each 2 x 2 ft. tile is constructed with two different surfaces. This product is 1.5 inch thick.

The grid surface is installed facing outward in areas where the primary concern is noise reduction, and the flat surface faces outward when ricochet reduction is the principal concern. Manufactured in the USA, Ballistic Tiles are an excellent surfacing choice for law enforcement, military and civilian shooting ranges.

Rephouse Ballistic Rubber Tiles exhibit tremendous capturing properties to prevent ricochets and lead splash-backs thereby reducing lead dust propagated from repeated range firing.

Rephouse Ballistic Rubber Tiles can be installed on walls, baffles, ceilings and floors and collectively are helpful in attenuating noise. The finished surface is smooth with no protruding edges.


Our ballistic tiles tested for a complete spectrum of the most common small arms calibers and ammunition used by the Military, Enforcement and Civilians. The ballistic tiles were tested to acquire both Penetration and Ricochet characteristics at 100 m, 10 m and 2m distances at various impact angles with different weapon systems.

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